Friday, March 13, 2015

Comments from my reader

"Do stories on the West African Ebola outbreak, and the forces of ISIS operating in Iraq and Syria!"
- anonymous

Ok, someone is reading my blog , hurray ! I thought I was writing just to blow off steam.

Ebola Outbreak : 
   It's a disease. It's bad. I'm not a doctor what do I know about it ?  Oopsie...

   ISIS are bad people doing bad things. I completely disagree with their ethos , many muslims actually are declaring them infidels and non-islamic because they're breaking the shia (muslim holy law). And boko harum (more or less means they dislike western education) isn't much better.
   Trouble is , there isn't much controversy here. Everyone , including their fellow Muslims (whom they are industriously hunting down and killing ) agree's they're bad people and someone should stop them. Not a lot to write about.

Charlie Hedbo
   I don't think they should be insulting muslims by drawing a picture of Mohammed. But then again , I don't think they should get much more than a fine for that.  Shooting them down with machine guns is outragous. We run our countries our ways (ie: each western country is beholden to it's own electorate) and people with guns from the other side of the world don't get a say in the matter.

Fergusan Missuri
   I think they murdered that black guy. I think , (according to the coroner and autopsy)  , he got down on his knees , and the cop stood over him at close range , and put two bullets in his skull. (The cops story is of course radically different than this)  .
   This cop , caught red handed, his story radically different than the coroner's evidence,  was let off with no penalty at all. Literaly they slapped him on the back and said "good job". Of course the blacks are rioting.  If someone declared it open season on all whities , kill all you like, they'd be rioting too.
   I think the prime responsibility for this situation is the Mayor and the City Council . They should be thrown in jail.
   And I think they will not be. They will get off scott free.

Ok. I think that brings us up on current affairs.

C-51 : Broader powers for CSIS
   No one cares that you want to arrest more terrorists Go for it.
   But we do care that these new laws could be turned against the canadian population. One need only look to the south to see the games they play to disenfranchise blacks. Certificates of 100$ or more to prove you're a voter (blacks only) , a math test that if you're white they ask you what 2+2 is , but if you're black they have this big huge jar of jelly beans and if you can't guess (correctly !) exactly how many are in you are shown the door, all sorts of games that make the canadian robocall scandel look tame.
   I think they need to put in some kind of "for anti- terrorism purposes only" clause, or the next thing you know CSIS will be tracking your cell phone and your car and you'll be getting parking violation fines in the mail because CSIS will pass along the "Terrorist" info to the city police. 

Personal Life

   Personally , I'm moving to a bachelor pad under public housing, after a 5 year wait. The rent is cheap, the place kind of looks like a prison with the barren halls and thick doors that are basically not going to get kicked in , and I'll probably spend the rest of my days in there. Who gives up a cheap apartment when you can simply lock the door and ignore the neibours, no matter how obnoxious they get ?
   Why am I telling you this ? I'm assuming Mrs Anonymous is my sister in toronto rather than some random stranger :) but if you are a random stranger , feel free to ignore this paragraph.

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