Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Article = none , personal experience

Moving homes without a moving truck is a pain. Luckily I had help. And a donation of chairs. Good chairs, which in my definition means chairs that won't collapse under my 305lbs weight (do you know how many fold up chairs there are with a 250lbs weight limit ? And the realy fancy sturdy ones have, hidden away in hard to find spots, a tag proclaiming hteir limit is actually only 225lbs ...? )

 This dour faced ray of sunshine is my friend George , who is helping me move these two chairs he gave me on the bus.

Wow. I gotta do something about that beard. That's my new dollar store cowboy hat, sells for about $2.50 each , and a white beard so thick children stop me on the street and call me Santa Clause. I tell them I'm on vacation.

Wow. I now have 3 chairs in my place. (and no table) That's quite a step up from one chair. I can actually have people over and more than one person at a time can sit down.


Anonymous said...

You look like a frigging wizard with that beard and the crazy hat, and George looks like he just got released from a 20 year stretch in maximum security prison.

Anonymous said...

Very nice chairs, though...

Anonymous said...


Ottawa Dude said...



Wow, Mark. You got old fast. Married life has obviously not been treating you well !


Anonymous said...

That's what raising 3 kids (2 of them autistic) and working every day for ten years in a school with 1000 more of them will do to you.